
Friday, February 1, 2013

Race and Flight Simpit all in one!! - Logitech G25 and Saitek X52 PRO

Race and Flight Simpit all in one!! - Logitech G25 and Saitek X52 PRO Tube. Duration : 6.13 Mins.

My Man-cave with the simpit using 3 screens is at this link: This is my race and flight sim pit I made that resides in my man cave! It sits off to the side when it is not in use. I use this with my PC (i5 2500K, GTX 570HD) which also runs my home theatre setup. The TV is a Samsung 61 inch LED DLP. The seat is from a Pontiac Sunfire. It took me a good 1 or 2 weeks to get done using just a couple of power saws. The wheel is a Logitech G25 and the Flightstick and Throttle are a Saitek X52 PRO system. The Wii remote and the hat (which I made) are used for Freetrack, which tracks the movement of my head during gameplay, and then changes the view in the game in real time to match. Works great and is lots of fun! Here is a post of the build process:


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