
Thursday, February 14, 2013

"Evil Rises: Colorado Shooting Response" by Nutnfancy

"Evil Rises: Colorado Shooting Response" by Nutnfancy Video Clips. Duration : 30.37 Mins.

Evil stormed into the late night theater in Colorado and cut loose. And no sheepdogs were around to stop it. Thus began yet another uncontested killing spree. Predators of the world come in many forms. This one was a former medical student dressed like the joker from Dark Knight, hair dyed red. He popped out through the exit and returned heavily armed with tear gas or OC. Using shotgun, AR, and Glock he killed at least 12 people, wounded many more. While it was chaotic, Holmes stopped to reload and many victims were within easy gun range to return fire. It could have made a big difference. Again we see that development and strict adherence to your concealed carry system can save your life and others'. And yet still I see many TNPrs neglect high percentage carry so they can function in these time critical roles in mass shootings. Maybe it's a theater, a restaurant, a park, a store, a theme park, a library, a concert, the train, or even your home. But you should be technically, mentally, and materially prepared to engage this active shooter. Nevertheless again we see this tragedy twisted by the protectionist as he attempts to mold it into a politically expedient way to register and disarm YOU. No, the answer to these attacks is not more laws, restrictions, and harassment and demonization of the good, law abiding American Gun Owner. If fact they hold the answer...they will be on scene first as they also function as the targets of these rampages. And that answer comes in the ...


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